Sonja Irina Johansen
Personal Transformation
- Released and maintained a 170-pound transformation through deep understanding of behavioral patterns and addiction science
- Master reframer who walks her talk - maintaining vibrant health through nutritious choices while teaching others to build sustainable, joyful relationships with food
Research & Insights
- Pioneering dot-connector across neuroscience, psychology, and medicine, illuminating the complex relationship between life experiences and food as a coping mechanism
- Dedicated researcher who studies various forms of addiction to uncover universal patterns and create more effective recovery pathways
- Expert in resonance-based healing, introducing innovative approaches that have revolutionized her community's recovery journey
Leadership & Programs
- Creator and leader of the transformative Magic membership community, specialized courses, and private coaching programs - masterfully guiding clients through evidence-based personal transformation journey
Sugar Season Magic! Join us!
Let's REFRAME this crazy time!
The food is a great, big neon sign of where we get to look deeper...Wait, WHAT?
When we are ready. JOIN US!
Focusing on the diet shifts us from the real work
~The bottom line reasons we eat.
~ Emotions we've stuffed down for so long...
~ SWCC (Stuff We Can't Control) - Realizing how much cortisol swirls around things beyond our control - Let's release that!
~Caregiving and responsibilities - all designed to push us toward other Busyness rather than our own Busyness.
~Imposter Syndrome - not feeling safe to be who we are. You are worthy. This is a place where YOU BELONG.
This kind of fix takes time... and it doesn't have to be hard!
Are you ready to Transform with Sonja???
Sonja has obviously transformed herself physically and has maintained her new healthier, joyful body for years now. What is less obvious are the internal changes that have allowed her to keep the weight off.
These are the REAL reasons we eat obsessively
- Emotions
- Behaviors
- SWCC (Stuff We Can’t Control)
As a Coach:
She has a knack for understanding how the weeds feel, and then pulling you out to take a peek at the 40,000 foot level for a grand, big picture review.
She has helped hundreds of people already and loves to spend time with her membership group.
In her private coaching, Sonja utilizes decades of nutritional and health and wellness experience to shift your focus, course correct with big and small shifts that can have lasting impact.
Sonja brings decades of entrepreneurial and upper management experience, understanding different perspectives and pulling out key directives to shift thinking and perspectives
Her superpower is reframing to provide beautiful, transformational magic.
Client Love...

Sonja is a spirit guide. I was at a crossroads in my life…I wanted more balance in my life but kept finding myself repeating the same unhelpful habits. Sonja helped me learn how to listen to myself, my body, and most importantly, my heart. With kindness and radiant warmth, Sonja helped me expand how I viewed myself, broadened my understanding of self-care, and she showed me how to follow my true North amidst many life changes. During turbulent times, Sonja stuck with me until I found my footing and after the storms, she celebrated with me the safe harbors I had discovered within. The deep way Sonja listens is well beyond coaching; it fosters a partnership that generated real growth.
I have a unique perspective from decades of yo-yo dieting.
The diet industry has completely gotten it WRONG.
There is A LOT of science out there about all kinds of addiction, EXCEPT processed food addiction. I peel back the curtain and apply techniques and tips and knowledge that helps guide us out of the maze that is food obsession.
What we eat is important but it's NOT the main problem.
We go decades on the Weight Loss Roller Coaster with no lasting success.
Stop trying to be perfect.
Life will happen on life’s terms.
You can float above the fray.
Come walk with the Magic Membership through the different phases of recovery. They aren’t linear, like our relationships with food and friends and family.
If you’re struggling with aspects of your life, if you’re stalled with fear, can’t figure out the missing piece of the puzzle, find yourself resistant to the choices your authentic self knows is best for you, long for a life free of cacophonous noise, come spend some time in trusted community and see how we can help.
Membership Magic

Magic Moment Zoom Calls

Trusted Community

Healing, Nurturing Support
This is a safe space for fun and creativity to connect with [trusted] community. Here you will learn how to: #FrontloadJoy to help remove resistance later in the day.
- Find balance.
- Eat in black and white so you can LIVE IN COLOR
- Choose your hard.
- Celebrate life and each other.
- Reframe and retell old tales in new and healthy ways.
- Transform your inner critic through revolutionary resonant language.
- You CAN HEAL!.
- Look hard at habits, good and bad.
- Dive deep into parts of us to help reshape our best self.
Live in
Playfulness, Happiness, Joy. What’s on your bucket list? Do you even have one? Did you forget that you can still do/be/model that person you dreamt about as a child? Your best self is itching to get out there. Parts of you are afraid. Parts of you fear change. Parts of you fear success or know you will fail. Guess what? We have ways to shift that thinking. We have ways to help you Live in Color. Cultivate your garden. Let’s get to work!
When you come from a place of abundance and gratitude, your whole life will change. This course will help you appreciate life (even the aspects you used to dread), and you’ll see success and failure from a fresh perspective.
Energy breeds energy. Manifest your best self. Take the baby steps that, with patience, bring lasting results. Life is a series of choices. And with each choice comes an opportunity to reframe your storyline. Dream big! Live Large. And grab that brass ring. It’s really not too late.
Aspects of us can take on
new roles…
There is a lot of evidence that we all have internal conficts that pull us in different directions, that have roles and concerns born of decades of hard work. They help you with checklists, they encourage binge watching and eating, they protect you from danger and emotional trauma… and now you are grown.
Your highest self is educated and mature and most likely cares for a lot of other people besides yourself. You may be unaware of the internal push-me-pull-you going on. There may be some insistence to merrily continue performing their best work, oblivious they are insisting we do things that are no longer serving us – like eating an entire bag of anything to stuff down a boatload of emotions.
Let’s include this in your transformation!
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