1:1 Healing with Sonja


Sonja brings a wealth of wisdom, insight, historical and scientific reasons why she believes you CAN heal from many of the reasons we go to food. In this time, we commit to sweet reflection, in a trusted and safe environment, Sonja holds you as you explore areas you've pushed down with food. You and she investigate the ins and outs of your food obsession. Sonja has a way of gently pulling you to a reframing of events, to highlight the tragedies that have shaped you, pushing you toward growth and balance, peace and vibrant living. Generally she meets with you weekly, with regular check-ins as events, circumstances, situations arise where you can reflect in the moment, to help you heal, truly heal, the reasons we go to food. 

The link to schedule a 90 minute first session with Sonja is below. Should you continue as a client, schedule some time to confirm you're a good fit. Normally your work is weekly sessions and 24/7 (with delays sometimes in her responses as time/sleep/balance permits). 

Schedule your first session now!

Time to Heal

Small Group Coaching by Sonja

Gather weekly for 90 minutes with up to 5 other of your new best friends with Sonja leading the coaching,  where you get to dive deep with yourself and others, finding and digging into all the reasons why we eat. And remember, we eat because of addiction, but that is remedied with a few weeks of abstinence. Why we keep going back to the food is the thing (s) we get to dive into here. Sonja is masterful at pulling threads, finding clues and uncovering truths that lead to lasting healing. Being in trusted community shapes and validates and encourages you to growth and clarity. Click on this link for an Individualized breakthrough session with Sonja to determine your best group time and get ready to heal!

Team support - community support

Transformative discovery session

I'm Committed, I'm in!

Where the Magic Happens

Private Membership Group


We hear over and over again that trusted community is the antidote to food addiction and food obsession- I KNOW WHY! And you can find out in the Magic. I am blessed to have helped hundreds of women who have been struggling with their food and weight. Here you find out the secrets to why you have failed (key is that you’re not actually failing - the system has failed-your perspective and mindset need to shift). Within the Magic, we offer multiple ways to find trusted community, opportunities to stretch and find your missing puzzle pieces to peace, calm and balance around food.


Sign up for the year, save two months AND get a free session with Sonja 

All that the monthly plan has to offer:

  • Multiple daily zoom check-ins
  • Regular Deep Dives into the latest research on why we eat and how we can heal.
  • No homework Book Clubs on the latest psychological and neurological topics handpicked by Sonja and team.
  • Magic Words journaling and sharing
  • Resonance healing 
  • Annual plan: 25 minute 1:1 session with Sonja to help kickstart the new you!    

Annual Plan




  • Multiple daily zoom check-ins
  • Regular Deep Dives into the latest research on why we eat and how we can heal.
  • No homework Book Clubs on the latest psychological and neurological topics handpicked by Sonja and team.
  • Magic Words journaling and sharing
  • Resonance healing





Monthly Plan



Because of The Magic

Note from a Client


Because of The Magic, I can see things in a whole new way aka Reframing.

Because of The Magic, I can NOTICE things I didn't notice before.

Because of The Magic, I have a community in which I can show up authentically.

Because of The Magic, I am learning about authors I've never heard of and perspectives I've never had.

Because of The Magic, I am more self-compassionate than I ever thought I could be.

Because of The Magic, I am learning to be resonant with myself and others.

Because of The Magic, I have met and continue to meet really wonderful, special people from all over the globe.

Because of The Magic, I will never run out of places I want to visit (where The Magic People are!)

Because of The Magic, I feel more connected to people, including loved ones.

Because of The Magic, I am healing all the time.

Because of The Magic, I have learned the power of holding space and the power of being held.

Because of The Magic, I need not ever feel alone again.

Because of The Magic, I am becoming a better version of me.

Because of The Magic, I feel and celebrate more joy.

Because of The Magic, I walk through the world differently.

Because of The Magic, I know extraordinary human beings who walk the earth as every day people.


These two years have been filled with magic and I can't wait to see what the next years hold.